The Prince Pasta Ritual

Nobody knows where he came from, or how he arrived, but one day, he just started posting stories, there was no schedule, it was always random but they had effort put into them, above the level of a Trollpasta but JUST below the level of Creepypasta scary, Prince Pasta. This is a ritual about keeping him away from your house so he can't take a very bad picture of you using his Gameboy: Scary Edition and eventually post it to the Trollpasta Wiki with a misleading title and well thought-out plot.
1. Immediately log out of the Trollpast Wiki, I know you are reading this on your retarded account, log out now, this protects you from him taking a picture of you with his Gameboy: Scary through the hole in the 'a" in the Wikia logo.
2. Eat all spaghetti or pasta related items in your house, this will stop him from transporting his mind into the spaghetti/pasta ingredients, so he will be stopped another way.
3. Just fucking lock yourself in the attic, I'm assuming every user on this wiki happens to live in a basement, so run up those carpeted steps, grab the tendies on the way up to the attic, and don't sit down on the eerie blue gamer chair, he will grab you from behind and smother you with pasta to take a picture of you.
4. Jump out the window of the attic. Nothing to it, just jump out. Since this is a step to stopping Prince Pasta from invading your house, it will help. Nothing will break if you aim for the acacia bush, just fucking jump off.
5. Run back inside to your basement, log into the Trollpasta Wiki and the last step is in motion.
5. The last step from stopping Prince Pasta is to not categorize his pastas, all you must do when he uploads is to upload his special category . Once you have categorized his latest one, you have official immunity, seeing as the other steps are only temporary and can't stop Prince Pasta forever, you must categorize his most latest pasta with his category, and you will have the permanent immunity.
6. WHAT, THERE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A LAST STEP, Someone has put a number 6 into my ritual to summon Prince Pasta but I think by writing it down, I summoned him! Wait, I hear a slurping sound! FUCK! HEL-
Valencia was later found dead in their Western Australia-bound home, with a mouthful of spaghetti and the computer was on, showing the category of Prince Pasta's Pastas and there is a new entry, with a very blurry picture that was coloured blue, the title being "THE SPAGHETTI STRAND" which ended up being about the flying spaghetti monster.